Acupuncture in Frederick, MD
Welcome to my acupuncture practice in Frederick, MD which serves Middletown, Walkersville, Myersville, Urbanna and beyond. Come discover how an ancient medicine can help with stress, allergies, anxiety, migraines, sciatica, low back pain and infertility as well as maintain your wellness with immunity building, relaxation and even facial rejuvenation!! My 15+ years of experience, combined with my extensive education, means that you will be in good hands. Enjoy peace and calm as your treatment is enhanced by beneficial near infrared from a BioMat, hemi-synch music playing in the room and even essential oils and possibly crystals. Each person is unique and is treated that way in my practice.
Our Services
The two main causes of facial aging are thinning skin (loss of elastin and collagen (women lose half of their collagen by age 40!)) and shrinking muscle volume. Microneedling, which can only be performed in the state of Maryland by an acupuncturist, Physician’s Assistant (PA), medical doctor (MD) or nurse under the direct supervision of an MD and with a written treatment plan, can improve collagen and elastin by 400% *. A Microcurrent facial uses mild electric current to plump and tone the muscles of the face and has also been shown in research to help with tissue synthesis**. It’s like taking your face to the gym!
*Singh A, Yadav S. Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2016 Jul-Aug;7(4):244-54. doi: 10.4103/2229-5178.185468. PMID: 27559496; PMCID: PMC4976400.
**Poltawski L, Johnson M, Watson T. Microcurrent therapy in the management of chronic tennis elbow: pilot studies to optimize parameters. Physiother Res Int. 2012;17(3):157–166. doi: 10.1002/pri.526.
Herbal Medicine
Essential Oils
Biofeedback Treatment
Come experience natural care for:
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Facial Rejuvenation
- Headaches
- Neck Pain
- Pregnancy
- Stress